Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Conversation you shouldn't have with a JEW

It's the biggest thing since the birth of Christ.

The birth of Christ was the biggest thing ever so far?

Well, you know honey, a billion people can't be wrong....

Um, using the "A billion satisfied customers from McDonald's" motif to validate your religion may not be WHAT JESUS WOULD DO.


EcamirG said...

not to mention that a billion people clearly can be wrong, and have been countless numbers of times.

after all, the most heavily-populated nation in the world are godless communists. guess eight billion can't be wrong.

running42k said...

funny you can use the billion people can't be wrong to validate Islam as well.

Anonymous said...

Another conversation not to have with a Jew is who killed Christ and why are the Jews so mean those poor Palestinians.

Happy Huband said...

The person you spoke with clearly lacks tact and sensitivity to Jewish people. Please tell me this wasn't your boyfriend.

Unknown said...

Rest in the knowledge that the female of the species is the superior of the race. By far.