Monday, December 04, 2006

Hanging up my disco shoes

So there are certain social lows I've reached in my life. Let's be honest, High School was a four year social low.

But somehow I managed to escape the Badminton Team, the Debate Team, the AP classes and a dateless Prom night to build a new life.

Unfortunately, no matter what you look like on the outside, once a nerd, always a nerd.

Last night, on my first foray out in Athens alone to meet a group of ex-pats, I find myself sitting in a Starsucks, KNITTING.

A group of lovely young women, sitting around, drinking coffee, chatting and knitting. They were not nerds, but we were doing something painfully nerdy.

They were also unnaturally nice. I mean, there was no backbiting, no snarkiness, no one made fun of anyone else. They encouraged each other, told stories, complimented each other, AND THEY ACTUALLY MEANT IT. I realized then I was in the wrong place.

Hell, I mean even when someone left, they sat around and talked about how nice she was, how great she was. No one said anything bad about her. What the hell is that?! When a woman, sitting with other women leaves first, she's just opened herself up to ridicule. This is a sacred social rule!

And these girls broke some sacred social rules. The first being, you never put yourself in a public place where others can point and laugh at you. Unless tequila is involved. The second is, you are never simply nice. Some sort of social politics must be involved, gossip, backbiting, envy. You know, the things that make you friends.

And here I am sitting in a Starsucks, knitting. Of course, I picked up the knitting pretty quickly because I USED TO KNOW HOW. I was probably knitting on Prom night, at home, alone. That must be it. I'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Maybe I'll go to Gucci today, to be treated poorly by the sales staff. That'll put the universe back in order.


Anonymous said...

Did you meet up with Goldilocks(the divorce) and did she tell you about her Belgian boyfriend Angay?

Anonymous said...

Honey you aint no nerd. You stopped being a nerd when you started screwing your brains out.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean I get a sweater for Christmas?

Unknown said...

Knitting? You guys expecting a cold spell over there?!

And don't panic. The niceness can't last. It's unnatural. Tell me it's unnatural...

Anonymous said...

Actually, knitting is becoming the -in- thing to do here in ny. There are lots of knitting ships opening up.

Also there are a lot of 'closet' male knitters. It's the new cool.

The things you pick up at small business developer's conferences....

Anonymous said...

Your poor mother. You are screwing some rich Greek guy while she is at home crying her heart out because you wont find a nice Jewish boy and get married. how cruel you are.

Anonymous said...

knitting in starbucks??? are you effin kidding me?????????

going back to nov 16, you said (typed) one of the benefits of living there is, and i quote, "a more social atmosphere". are you're knitting alone in a coffee shop.

something just doesn't add up. i fear you have begun to drink the european cool-aid! i also fear for your future.

- cuddly wuggly douggly

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you moved to Stepford rather than Greece. You don't have to become one of them. So stop with the knitting.

Anonymous said...

I thought you Asian girls where supposed to be multi-talented. Clearly not. Stop referring to Stepford. Try renting a different movie, OK? Knitting is one of my favorite hobbies (I am so not a geek, but just find it's fun & at the end of it I get a cool sweater to give away to friends). Knitting might not be your bag, but just let MLIGCS try some new endevours without incurring a scathing tone from her "friends". Jeez, what's up with all the uptight New Yorkers?

carrotpenis said...

Are these women aliens. No gossiping and no backbiting. Come on, I don't believe it for a minute. Even guys gossip and back bite the second another one leaves the room.