Friday, July 29, 2005

Kindergarten Hath No Fury Like A Grown Man Scorned

The silent treatment is an interesting, if somewhat outdated, method of dealing with hurt feelings and anger. I can understand its effectiveness when one is attempting to avoid saying something akin to kicking the other person in the jimmy. Or when you want to send a clear, Bat-signal-like message that, "Hey, I'm rip roaring mad, and instead of just telling you why, you're going to find out by me ignoring you, you asking me what's wrong, and me ignoring you even more." The proverbial Na Na Na Na Poo Poo, if you will.

Well, the problem with writing a blog is that sometimes your blog involves talking about other people and their relation to your life. Those people may not appreciate all the things you write about them. Of course, they clearly appreciate all the good things you write, but the bad is always taken as if you've written the most vituperative, scathing pile of epithets ever strung together. Please, get over yourself, no one takes it as seriously as you do.

Once again, someone is PISSED about something I've written. Heinrich has gotten his diaper all up in a bunch because of the post, You Have the Right to Remain Silent. He wasn't angry for weeks after I posted it, but for some reason, last week, he was ANGRY, and we had an argument. Which ended with me apologizing profusely, licking the bottom of his feet, and taking it down the next day. I figured if something I did made someone I care about that upset, then the only right thing to do was apologize and attempt to remedy the wrong as best I could.

Heinrich told me he didn't want to talk to me, because he needed time to calm down. He then contacted me, proceeded to stand me up on our date and refused to return any of my calls.

Two days later, I receive a lame text, (by lame I mean, ":(" ), I asked "?" to which he responded "I don't like you, mad but I do miss you." Okay. But he also told me to leave him alone, so I did.

After a few days of not quite knowing what the hell was going on, especially when this was someone that I would speak with, IM, text, and/or see every single day, I decided to just ask whether he was so angry that we were no longer seeing each other? Or whether he was still waiting to calm down? (via text message, since phone calls weren't being returned, and emails were ignored). Of course, he ignored this. So I was forced to say that the silent treatment was hurtful and that an answer was only fair. He finally wrote me back, saying that he's trying to calm down. And has proceeded to ignore me since.

I know dear readers that you will say that he's found someone else or is just trying to punish me, or something shady is going on (maybe the feds got him and he had to use his one phone call to call his attorney...), or he hates me and just wants to torture me for as long as he can. And that's all well and good. But I honestly believe that this is an ego issue. A Big Ego Issue. And there just comes a point where I'm done assuaging his tender ego. And that point is one week and one day.

I figure a week is fair, we've only been dating for two months. He gets one week to ignore me, be mean, stand me up, be disrespectful and treat me badly even though I've apologized profusely, groveled and removed the offensive post. Now, I'm done caring. The post is going back up. And his childishness and petulance, along with his white-collar criminal activities, are put on display for all to read about. Because there is some crap up with which I will not put.


running42k said...

Methinks Heinrich has a little growing up to do. Conversation works wonderfully for adults. Sulking and not talking works great for four year olds. Cut the loser lose.

Anonymous said...

The smart money says Heinrich will end up in the slammer in no time anyway.... and what fun would conjugal visits be after his ass is destroyed by some prison skank? Yes Heinrich, make sure don't shave for months you kindergarten baby!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You don't need that childish bull---- anyway.

Jack Burden said...

What Sabrina said. Damn straight.

Photominer said...

You gave him a whole week? I doubt anyone I know would've given more than the next morning where if there weren't flowers and promises of dinner, that would be that.

NewYorkMoments said...

I've said it & blogged it before...but just for good measure:

The male ego is like a zeppelin. It's big & huge & empty except for a lot of air, and is completely destroyed with one little spark.

Carol Davidson said...

Ugh. Sorry.

Note to self. Don't give my blog address to dates.

Anonymous said...

Just to take his side for a moment, I can see being upset about the post. No one wants to feel as if they are fodder for someone's writing. But he knows who you are, and it's not the end of the world, and it sounds like he's acting like a big baby. So, he's getting what he deserves.

Amanda said...

ugh! i am so over all these needy people who constantly need to be reminded how much we love them and how important they are in our lives. good for you in putting the post back up. it's okay for him to be upset, but he needs to learn to forgive. anger and hatred burn the person that holds them more than they hurt the person onto whom they are directed. don't these people realize that keeping that poison, that grudge, is self-punishment.

carrotpenis said...

If he's that big a baby, he isn't worth worry about anyway. Good move on your part.

Anonymous said...

I had the same thought as undies did: what's he going to say when he reads this post? Heh.

I can understand his being a *little* upset for a *little* while, I guess...But not for an entire week. In the end, he now knows how you feel about it and still nobody knows his name. So what's the problem?

Good luck. Hope everything works out.

My Life Is God's Comic Strip said...
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C said...

Wow, the silent treatment *and* white collar crime. Just keep him kicked to the curb and you'll be just fine. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that you weren't going to write him off for his criminal activity but you are going to write him off for giving you the silent treatment...

Anonymous said...

I think it's a little disingenuous to be surprised that your significant others (no matter what their significance) might be offended at being blogged about negatively. Blogs are public forums.

It'd be like being invited to a party by a friend. When you arrive, your host(ess) tells you that they've all been discussing your recent bad behaviour, and are agreed that you were a jerk. You're quite welcome to join the conversation, if you like - while all eyes in the room stare accusingly at you. You wouldn't be offended by this??

How he behaved after you apologized and removed the post is, I agree, childish and tiresome. But to be offended in the first place? No.