Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just the kind of positive reinforcement a girl needs every once in a while

I don't understand myself. I continuously make the SAME MISTAKES over and over. I KNOW better than to be friendly. I do. No really. I'm a New Yorker. We're trained very early on about these things.

And yet, today, at the coffee station in my new office, at my new temp job, I was polite to the guy who introduced himself to me. I actually had a brief, "oh how long have you worked here, I just started" bullshit conversation.

I met him at around 3:45. I have received 17 (that's seven TEEN) emails from him since then. It's now 6:45. On the same day. He stopped by my office 4 (FOUR) times. Told me I smell really great twice (TWICE). Asked me out for drinks once (ALREADY). AND I JUST RECEIVED THE 18TH AND 19TH EMAILS AS I WRITE THIS.

You know, for the past few days, I've been having a really hard time with my decision to go back to Greece to be with my boyf. I've been plagued with self-doubt. I've asked myself over and over whether I've really given it a chance here in New York, dating about 100 guys in a little over year. I keep thinking, maybe there really is someone here for me that I can love the way I love my boyf, thereby circumventing the need to move to another continent.

But apparently, when you "smell really great" the way I do, that's just code for "your pheromones attract freaks, psychopaths and stalkers. Oh My."

Sometimes you need a little push in the right direction. Fate has decided to give me a giant, full-bodied, up-against-the-railings, your-face-smashed-against-the-glass, hockey-check instead. Maybe Fate thinks I'm a little slow. I just might be. But thanks, got the message. LOUD AND CLEAR.

But of course, Fate won't make him go away. Bitch.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you can try knee to the groin technique. Or would that be too subtle?

running42k said...

He just meet you and tells you that you smell great, while in a professional setting? Freak. That boy is a freak.

Sara said...

Why don't you persuade your boyfriend to move to the States? It's a great opportunity for him and you could always move to Greece when you felt more comfortable with it and when you had more money saved because believe me, it's EXTREMELY hard to make any money here. Life here is just as expensive as living in Brussels or Paris. Yet,the average salary is 600 Euros a month. I let my then boyfriend (now ex-husband)convince me to come here because he refused to go to the States. I consider him extremely selfish now. If he loves you as much as you love him, he'll come to you. If you come here, everything is on HIS terms and things change when that happens. Stick it out a bit longer. Don't become a stereotype. I AM the stereotype right here!!!

My Life Is God's Comic Strip said...

He won't move here bc he's quite well off, and can provide me with a very comfortable and secure lifestyle in Greece. Doesn't make sense to him to leave that to become a drone and work 12 hour days like me.

And you're not a stereotype. In a long distance relationship, someone has to pick up and move. You can't live in the middle of the ocean. You just hope that the person who doesn't move really appreciates the sacrifice their partner has made. Thank goodness my boyf is like that. And I'm so sorry your ex wasn't. But that's no reflection on you. You took a chance, gave it everything and it didn't work out. Happens all the time.